Flourishing Scale in the Atheist Community of Puerto Rico: Validation and Psychometric Study


  • Juan Aníbal González-Rivera, Psy. D. Ponce Health Sciences University


atheism, psychological well-being, flourishing, psychometric properties, validation


This article examines the psychometric properties of the Flourishing Scale in the atheist community of Puerto Rico. A total of 380 atheists participated in this exploratory and psychometric study. The results confirmed that the scale has a one-dimensional structure. The eight items complied with the discrimination criteria. The reliability index of the scale was of 0.87 (Cronbach's alpha) psychometrically adequate according to Kline (2005). These results suggest that the Flourishing Scale has the potential to measure this construct among the atheist community of Puerto Rico. We recommend the use of this scale for the development of new research regarding psychological well-being and possible correlations with other psychosocial variables in the atheist community.


