Technological, Laboral and Psychological Demands of Telework during COVID-19 Pandemic
cyberpsychology, telework, remote work, work-life balanceAbstract
This research examined the technological, occupational, and psychological demands of teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 227 employees who experienced the transition from having a face-to-face job and moving to a teleworking modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Puerto Rico. The sample was composed mainly of women (79.7%). A cross-sectional non-experimental exploratory-descriptive design was implemented. The main findings indicate that the participants had the necessary equipment to work from home. However, they stated that they did not receive technological support to carry out work from home from their employer and that their work-life balance has been negatively affected. Also, an increase in workload and stress levels was observed. These findings open the way to studying sudden changes in work modalities (face-to-face and online) and their impact on workers.
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