Experiences and Considerations for Clinical Training in Professional Psychology Programs in Times of COVID-19
clinical training, COVID-19, instructional design, telepractice, telepsychology, simulated patientAbstract
The socio-political-historical context of Puerto Rico poses a series of challenges for clinical training programs in professional psychology programs. Since 2017 we have faced natural events increasing the complexity of our panorama. Given this, Albizu University has developed various projects to maintain the processes of academic continuity. This article aims to share the experience and the planning and implementation processes of innovative projects integrating technology developed as part of the continuity plan for clinical training in the face of COVID-19 in the clinical psychology and psychology programs in psychological counseling. For example, tele- practice, standardized patient, and electronic medical record strengthened the institution's programs. The experiences and the instructional development model of clinical training developed in this context can serve as the basis for other programs in similar conditions, for which specific suggestions are developed.
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