The attitude towards remote work and an analysis with some organizational and sociodemographics variables


  • Antonio Zapata Universidad Central de Bayamón
  • Ernesto Rosario Hernández


Keywords: Attitudes, work from home, telework.


The purpose of the following research was to investigate the attitude of remote work and analyze them with some organizational and sociodemographic variables. The sample was 159 participants, residents of Puerto Rico, 64% are female and 35% male, 56% were between the age of 23 and 39, 34% have high school at the time of the study. The sociodemographic variables to analyze were gender, academic preparation and generational gaps and the organizational variables were working day, income, type of organization and position. To measure the attitude of remote work the scale "Attitudes to work from home" was used. It has seven factors, these are: positive and negative aspects to work from home, limits and organization of time, technology, remote supervision, communication with supervisor and technological communication. Descriptive analyses, correlations, multivariate and post-hoc analyses were carried out. Significant differences were found in attitudes to work from home and sociodemographic variables of generational gaps, and organizational variables of income, type of organization and position. Further studies with other populations and other variables are recommended.











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