Authoritarianism, openness to experience and religiosity as predictors of opinion towards same-sex families


  • Laura Andrea Santos Albizu University
  • Marcos Reyes-Estrada Albizu University


authoritarianism, openness to experience, religiosity, same-sex families


The purpose of the study was to explore the opinion of a Puerto Rican sample on same-sex families. We sought to identify whether there is a relationship between the variables of authoritarianism, openness to experience, and religiosity that would help to understand the opinion held towards same-sex families. A correlational research design was proposed to find the relationship between the three predictor variables (i.e. openness to experience, religiosity and authoritarianism) and the outcome of the opinion towards same-sex families. The participants were obtained through the snowball technique. The general opinion of the sample towards same- sex families does not anticipate negative consequences to the idea of a minor being raised by a same-sex family, nor does it anticipate emotional harm. According to the multiple regression analyses, there is no statistically significant predictive relationship between authoritarianism, religiosity, openness to experience and opinion towards same-sex families. Consequently, when observing the data in descriptive and correlational terms, it is determined that the assumptions corresponding to the multiple regression analysis are not met. Two main limitations were identified in this study: sampling and rigor of instruments. The behavior of the sample was not heterogeneous, presenting challenges in the dispersion of its characteristics. Likewise, the search for precise and rigorous instruments that address the variables in an objective and parsimonious manner is recommended.


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