Effectiveness of Sensory Integration in Speech and Language interventions for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
Autism Spectrum Disorder, sensory integration, intervention methods, speech and language therapy, systematic literature review, intervention modelsAbstract
People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often have communication difficulties due to sensory problems, which causes their sensory integration (SI) to be affected. SI is a neurological process that is responsible for organizing sensations in the body itself and its effect on the environment in which the person is. So that the senses can be used effectively. A disorder in sensory integration can cause a delay in communication and social skills. That is why the questions arise: what is the effectiveness of integrating sensory activities in speech and language interventions for the progress/communicology development of people from zero to 21 years of age with ASD? How do sensory activities in speech and language therapy Can they help develop communication skills? And what sensory integration models exist, and which ones are reliable? To answer these questions, we carried out a systematic literature review with the purpose of knowing and exposing the effectiveness of activities or methods that use sensory integration to reinforce areas of speech and language and provide communication development more effectively. 15 investigations and academic articles related to intervention models where sensory integration strategies are used were found. We conclude that there is evidence of a limited number of therapeutic models and activities that support sensory integration. In speech and language therapies, it has been seen that, by using sensory integration activities, people with ASD manage to benefit beyond only in areas of communication but also in social aspects and behaviors secondary to the diagnosis.
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