¿Está el Estudiantado de Psicología Clínica de Puerto Rico Preparado para Trabajar con Sexualidad?


  • Caleb Esteban Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • Aida L. Jiménez-Torres Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • Jacob C. Matos-Castro Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud de Ponce


sex therapy training, psychotherapy, sexuality education, sexual orientation education, graduate studies


Sexuality is a natural form of erotic expression and sexual health is an integral aspect for human wellbeing. People showing difficulties in the area of sexuality are prone to develop sexual disorders. In spite of the importance of this subject, it has been abandoned in the academy as well as in therapy in Puerto Rico. This descriptive- exploratory study with three graduate universities involved 144 participants who completed three questionnaires. As a result, although there were elective courses addressing human sexuality in the three graduate institutions, there were no core courses addressing the subject. It is highlighted that 30.8% of students informed feeling little or somewhat prepared to work sexuality related topics with their clients. Nonetheless, 95.8% exposed that it is necessary or very necessary to be prepared in these issues. The surveys’ results are a mirror of the institutional disinterest in human sexuality topics in Puerto Rico.


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