Mujer Satisfecha, Mujer Feliz: Un Estudio Exploratorio en una Muestra de Mujeres Puertorriqueñas


  • Tanya Montañez Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • Alfonso Martínez-Taboas Universidad Carlos Albizu
  • María Vélez Pastrana Universidad Carlos Albizu


sexuality in women, sexual satisfaction, psychological well-being


There is an extensive international literature that suggests that sexual satisfaction in women is an important component in their lives, and one that is related to the concept of well-being. Nevertheless, in Puerto Rico this subject has not been investigated. In this study participated 270 women between 21-68 years of age. They complimented various instruments related to sexual satisfaction and psychological well-being. Results indicated that the instruments had good internal consistency and that there were significant correlations between sexual satisfaction and well-being. In general, the participant informed high to moderate sexual satisfaction in their lives, except for 21.5% that indicated that they were dissatisfied.


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