Heterosexismo Organizacional y su Relación con el Manejo de la Orientación Sexual y el Bienestar Psicológico en una Muestra de Trabajadores LGBTT en Puerto Rico


  • Joel Rodríguez-Polo Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Joseph Santiago Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Wilson Lorenzo Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Krystal Torres Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Sandra Quiñones Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Yadira Delgado Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Dalyzbeth Ortiz Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Paola Acevedo Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez
  • Bianca Morales Universidad Carlos Albizu, Mayagüez


Sexual identity management, organizational heterosexism, psychological well-being, LGBTT work force


Considering the recent legislation that protects and benefits sexual minorities in the workplace, such as the approval of same- sex marriage and Law 22 of 2013 of Puerto Rico, we decided to explore the relationship between the management of sexual orientation (MOS), the perceived organizational heterosexism (POH) and the psychological wellbeing (PWB) in a sample of LGBTT employees in Puerto Rican work places. The sample consisted of 300 people, in which, 68 % (n=203) were gay men. The average age was of 32.97 (SD=9.68). Results show that there is a significant relationship between the three types of strategies to MOS (dissimulation r=-.15, p<.05, avoidant r=-.15, p<.05 and openness r=.17, p<.01) and POH. Furthermore, the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between POH and the PWB of the workforce, r=.21, p<.01. While examining the organizational practices, 47 % of the participants expressed that their workplace doesn’t include the LGBTT population in diversity aspects of their training procedures. On the subject of employee benefits, 45 % of participants expressed that their organization does not offer benefits for same sex partners. We conclude that, despite the new legislation, even several LGBTT workers have to manage their sexual orientation so as not to be perceived as a minority in their organization; leading to less psychological well-being for them. Likewise, it is evident the resistance of the human resources departments to be inclusive with these workers, by not making them visible in their training or when it comes to giving them benefits.


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